We give you the power to take Dangerous Guns off the Streets

Help make our communities safer and send a powerful message.

Don't wait for congress

A new approach to gun violence.

You can remove dangerous guns from your community to make a powerful statement with a tangible impact. With Gun By Gun, people from across the U.S. are taking action to prevent gun violence. Join us.

Take action for a safer America, gun by gun.

#onelessgun buyback

With an average donation of $20, it takes 5 Gun by Gun community members to remove one $100 gun at a time.

Just $84 to go until there's #onelessgun


Start your own buyback

Start a Facebook Fundraiser and work together with your friends and family to make a tangible reduction in gun violence.

5 friends @ $20 each = #onelessgun

Start a Fundraiser

On average, 93 Americans are killed with guns every single day
Our community works to remove unwanted guns from homes and neighborhoods via gun buybacks
Research shows a 1% reduction in gun ownership in a community correlates to a .9% reduction
in gun deaths
We believe destroying unwanted guns is a tangible way to create safer homes and communities
Our buybacks have created more than a thousand gun free homes in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Jose and Santa Barbara

Join us in making our homes and communities safer,
one $100 gun at a time


Icons by Made by Made, Rockicon, Tomasz Pasternak, Adrien Coquet, and il Capitano

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